7 reasons why hiking is good for your mind, body, and soul
Most of us today live in an urban jungle. And while the convenience and cultural enjoyment that come with this lifestyle are great, sometimes, being in a city can feel a little overwhelming.
The traffic, the noise, the dirty air. With blocks of concrete all around you and swathes of people rushing to get to work every day, it can feel like there’s no escape.
Local parks provide some refuge from all the hustle and bustle, but they are a poor consolation when hundreds of people happen to frequent said parks at the same times as you. Sometimes, you simply need to venture further to give your mind a much-needed break.
Hiking in vast outdoor spaces is a great way to unwind and get some perspective on your day-to-day troubles, while at the same time doing something good for your physical and mental health. Let’s look at some great benefits of hiking. 👇
Being in a landscape such as this one is a balm for the soul
#1 Hiking reduces stress and improves mood
Hiking, just like other types of exercise, releases endorphins — hormones that can lower stress, improve your mood, and alleviate pain. Next to that, it boosts the production of serotonin, a chemical that is thought to be a natural mood stabilizer.
Aside from all those feel-good chemicals produced by your body, it’s also the distance you get from your day-to-day life and the magnificence of the surrounding landscapes that can make a difference to your perceived stress levels.
Sweeping scenery and getting up close and personal with nature puts things into perspective. You suddenly realise how small we all are, and those everyday worries lose much of their significance.
#2 Hiking removes distractions and helps you disconnect
We are used to being connected 24/7. And while there are great benefits to digital technologies, the constant influx of emails and notifications can be difficult to escape.
Spending time outdoors away from the screens can give you some much-needed mental clarity. As you remove all the distractions, your mind starts to focus on what is around you. Your attention span increases and you begin to reconnect with yourself and others.
Away from the screens
Pay attention to the little details
There’s something profoundly calming — almost spiritual — in observing the world around you with a child-like curiosity and paying attention to every little detail in it. Creating some space between yourself and the daily grind can help you come up with fresh ideas and get your creative juices flowing.
#3 Hiking improves mental & brain health
Hiking in nature can literally calm your mind. It not only changes your mood for the better by producing feel-good chemicals such as serotonin; regular nature walks can also alleviate anxiety and lower the likelihood of depression.
Struggling with negative thoughts and a tendency to ruminate? Going for a hike or a walk in nature for about an hour and a half can help you dwell on these thoughts a little less.
The same cannot be said for a 90-minute walk in the city, according to this Stanford University study. No surprise that you see all these young people on TikTok running away into nature as a form of therapy.
What is more, studies suggest that exercise can prevent or slow dementia and promote retention of grey matter.
#4 Hiking builds resilience
In 21st-century developed countries, convenience seems to rule the lives of many. Just a few clicks on your phone and you have that ready-made meal, that new item of clothing, or that fix of instant gratification.
Hiking, especially when it comes to tougher trails, requires patience and perseverance. It involves physical exertion and leaving your comfort zone.
The sense of achievement when you finish a hike
Hiking teaches you to not give up
When you’re on the trail, sometimes you have no choice but to keep moving forward, one step at a time. You may be struggling, you may need to stop and take a breather. But ultimately, you have to get through the tough parts.
For hiking, all these points are literal. But the attitude and what you learn from it can be powerful when applied to other areas in your life.
#5 Hiking builds up confidence
Hiking has many benefits for your physical health, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. When you hike, you’re burning calories, strengthening and toning your muscles, and building up endurance.
Being healthier and feeling more comfortable in your body can be a confidence boost on its own.
READ MORE | Training for hiking: 7 ways to get in shape for your next hike
Add to it the ability to face adverse situations and overcome challenges when on the trail, and you can find a profound, “I did this,” sense of achievement, which can boost your confidence in other areas of life as well.
#6 Hiking helps you reconnect with nature
You can read hundreds of stories of burning forests, dying animals, and melting glaciers. But when you are physically in nature, experiencing its vast presence and grand beauty, that is when the weight of these stories truly hits you.
Breathing in fresh mountain air, feeling the gentle sunrays of an early morning on your skin, and hearing the birds chirp can bring you closer to nature and help you remember where we all come from.
#7 Hiking leads to better sleep
Finding it hard to fall asleep after a day spent behind your laptop and an evening of scrolling through your phone? Moving throughout the day can help improve the quality of your sleep.
Next to tiring yourself out, you get exposed to vitamin D which plays a role in sleep regulation.
If you’re anything like me, you may start overthinking your life as soon as you lay down in your bed. Going out on a hike not only makes you physically exhausted but it also calms your mind, both of which make it easier to fall asleep at night.
A whole day of hiking leads to a peaceful night
With so many benefits, hiking is a great activity to incorporate into your life. You don’t need to conquer the world’s tallest peak. Start small by walking through a forest or doing a short hike every now and then. There’s no need to become the world’s top hiker to feel nature’s therapeutic effect.
Are you an avid hiker? Which of these benefits have you experienced? Let me know in the comments!